: Resources That Will Make You Better At Desert Safari

Resources That Will Make You Better At Desert Safari


“Desert Survival Handbook” by Craig Caudill

“The Ultimate Desert Handbook” by Mark Johnson

– Read books like “Desert Solitaire” by Edward Abbey or “Sahara” by Michael Palin.


National Geographic’s Desert Biome Page


YouTube Channels:

Watch desert safari videos to learn from experienced travelers.

“The Desert Environment” by PBS Eons

“Desert Survival” by David Canterbury

Online Forums:

Reddit’s r/deserts subreddit

DesertUSA Community Forum


“Planet Earth: Deserts” (BBC)

“Desert Seas” (BBC)


“Desert Diaries” by Dr. Sarah Taber

“Desertification” by The World

“The Desert Island Discs Archive” (BBC)


survive Desert (Survival Guide App)

Desert Plants and Animals (Field Guide App)

Photography and Art:

Explore desert photography on Instagram and Pinterest

Study desert-themed art and illustrations

Travel Guides:

Lonely Planet’s “Desert Travel Guides”

National Geographic’s “Desert Destinations”

Local Expert Tours:

Research local desert tour companies for hands-on experience.

Government Resources:

Visit the official park and wildlife websites for specific desert regions

Survival Skills:

Learn basic survival skills from online tutorials and courses

Climate and Weather Data:

Access weather forecasts and historical climate data

Wildlife Field Guides:

Get books or apps focused on desert flora and fauna

Travel Blogs:

Read travel blogs of individuals who have explored deserts

Safety Guidelines:

Research safety guidelines and tips for desert adventures

Geological Studies:

Explore geological studies of desert landscapes

Cultural Insights:

Learn about the indigenous cultures of desert regions

Online Communities:

Join online communities or social media groups related to desert enthusiasts for discussions and tips.

National Geographic Desert Safaris – Explore Desert Safari Abu Dhabi articles and documentaries for inspiration and insights.

Lonely Planet Guides – They offer valuable travel tips for desert destinations.

Online Forums – Join travel forums like TripAdvisor for advice from fellow travelers.

Travel Blogs – Follow blogs like The Planet D or Expert Vagabond for desert travel tips.

Desert Conservation Organizations – Learn about desert ecosystems and conservation efforts.

Local Tour Operators’ Websites – Check blogs and resources for safari information.

Maps and GPS Apps – Get familiar with navigation tools for desert exploration.

Survival Guides – Understand desert survival techniques and safety measures.

Cultural Studies – Learn about the cultures and traditions of desert-dwelling communities.

Weather Forecast Websites – Stay informed about desert weather patterns.

Photography Tutorials – Improve your desert photography skills.

Geological Resources – Study the geology of desert landscapes.

Wildlife Field Guides – Identify desert flora and fauna.

Language Apps – Learn basic phrases if you’re visiting a foreign desert.

History Books – Read about the historical significance of desert regions.

Cooking Guides – Explore desert cuisine and recipes.

Desert Equipment Reviews – Find the best gear for your safari.

Safety and First Aid Guides – Prepare for emergencies in desert environments.

Online Courses:

Udemy and Coursera offer courses on desert survival, navigation, and wildlife identification.

Websites and Blogs:

DesertUSA.com: Provides articles, guides, and resources on various desert destinations.

Expert blogs and forums like DesertUSA Forums and Lonely Planet’s Thorn Tree can be great for gathering tips and advice from experienced travelers.

Local Guides and Tours:

Consider hiring local guides who are experts in Desert Safari Abu Dhabi deals. They can provide valuable knowledge and ensure your safety.

Safety and Survival Apps:

Install apps like “SAS Survival Guide” for essential wilderness survival information.

Navigation Tools:

Learn how to use GPS devices, compasses, and topographic maps effectively.

Wildlife Field Guides:

Identify desert flora and fauna using field guides specific to the region you’ll be visiting.

First Aid Training:

Take a wilderness first aid course to be prepared for any medical emergencies in remote areas.

Cultural Understanding:

Research the local cultures and customs of the desert regions you plan to visit to show respect and gain a deeper appreciation for the area.

Preparation and Gear Lists:

Numerous websites provide comprehensive gear lists for desert trips. Ensure you have appropriate clothing, camping gear, and emergency supplies.

Practice and Experience:

Start with shorter, less challenging desert trips to gain experience before attempting more remote and extreme environments.

Remember that desert safaris can be physically demanding and potentially hazardous, so always prioritize safety and proper preparation. It’s essential to respect the environment and local regulations to ensure a responsible and enjoyable experience.

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